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Books Scanned from the Originals into PDF format
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Contents (created on a Windows computer):
Some Burning Questions Pertaining to the Messiahship of Jesus and Christology, Why Jews do not accept them by Louis Weiss 1904
The Divinity of Jesus Christ: An Exposition by Egbert Coffin Smyth 1893
God Incarnate by HT Kingdon 1890
Jesus Christ Our Lord, an English bibliography of Christology comprising over 5000 titles annotated and classified by SG Ayres 1906
The divinity of Our Lord by George Funkhouser 1902
The Person of Christ, the Perfection of his Humanity Viewed as a Proof of his Divinity by Philip Schaff 1880
What is the truth about Jesus Christ? Problems of Christology by Friedrich Loofs 1913
Christology, a Discourse Concerning Christ by Robert Felming Volume 1 1705
Christology, a Discourse Concerning Christ by Robert Felming Volume 2 1705
The Glory of Christ as God-Man by Isaac Watts 1795
Jesus Christ God-Man by John Guyse 1719
Isaac Newton on the Problem with 1 Timothy 3:16 and 1 John 5:7
Christ in type and Prophecy by Anthony Maas 1893
How is the Divinity of Jesus depicted in the Gospels and Epistles by Thomas Whitelaw 1883
The Divinity of Christ by Emile Bougaud 1901
The Divinity Of Christ by Edward Ames 1911
The Divinity Of Christ by Joseph Rickaby 1906
The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ by Hugh Ross MacKintosh 1912
The Humiliation of Christ by A.Bruce 1876
Belief in the Divinity of Jesus Christ by Rev. Didon 1894
St. John the author of the fourth Gospel by C.E. Luthardt 1875
The Divinity Of Christ by A.T. Robertson
Short Reasons for Belief in the Divinity of Christ by a Lady of Title 1843
Summa Theologica Volume 1 by St Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica Volume 2 by St Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica Volume 3 by St Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica Volume 4 by St Thomas Aquinas
The Kenotic Theory by Francis Hall 1898
A Vindication of the Divinity of Jesus Christ by John Baillie 1789
An Appeal to the New Testament in proof of the Divinity of the Son of God by Charles Hawtrey 1794
The Scripture Doctrine of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ by John Mitchel 1828
Jehovah-Jesus: The Oneness of God: the True Trinity by Robert D Weeks - 1880
Jehovah-Jesus by Thomas Whitelaw - 1913
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and the manner of our Saviour's Divinity, as they are held in the Catholic Church and the Church of England by Stephen Nye 1701
Why God became Man by Leslie Walker 1921
An Examination of Mr. Robinson of Cambridge's Plea for the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ by T. Lindsey 1785
The Safe Side, a Theistic Refutation of the Divinity of Christ by Richard Mitchel 1893
Jehovah-Jesus: Scripture studies of seven sayings of our Lord in the Gospel by Alexander Macleod Symington - 1876
Jehovah Elohim. Trinitarian and unitarian sermons by Edward John Turnour - 1831
Remarks on the uses of the definitive article in the Greek text of the New Testament By Granville Sharp
A Vindication of Certain Passages - an Address to Granville Sharp by Calvin Winstanley
1 JOHN V. 7 AND LUTHER’S GERMAN BIBLE By Ezra Abbot [From the Christian Intelligencer for May 15, 1879]
Ezra Abbot on Acts 20:28
A discussion among upwards of 250 theological inquirers by Ranley 1864
"REV. J. SUCKLING. Has anyone, Mr. Chairman, yet broached the Three heavenly Witnesses? What can the Unitarians make of that formidable and unanswerable Text ?
Chairman, The Three heavenly Witnesses have not been introduced, Mr. Suckling; though, of course, familiar to all present.
SUCKLING. Well then, I put it to the Unitarians to say, what possesses them, to deny the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, so plainly made known in the New testament.
REV. H. BROOKE. I peremptorily deny, that any mention whatever is made of the incongruous Trinity in the Bible ; I also deny that any mention is made in the New testament of the so called Three heavenly Witnesses, to which Mr. Suckling so confidently alludes.
SUCKLING. Do you hear that, Mr. Chairman ?
Chairman. Yes, Sir; distinctly.
SUCKLING. Why, Sir, it is the very cornerstone of the rock of my faith! I rest my belief of the holy Trinity, on that very foundation; on that very emphatic text.
MR. S.WESLEY. Then, we shall soon make aUnitarian of you, Mr. Suckling; for, instead of rock, you will find your foundation is resting on sand, which we shall speedily wash away from under you. [Hear, hear!]
SUCKLING. My foundation, Sir, rests on God's own Word —
There are Three that bear record in heaven ; the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these Three are One".
This text is my proof, my incontestible proof, of the holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity; "which Faith, except one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt, he shall perish everlastingly!"
G. CANNING, ESQ. I hope not, Mr. Suckling ; as I can never again believe in the Trinity, be the peril what it may. Happily, no mention is made of your pagan Trinity in either the Jewish or Christian scriptures; nor does any such popish and self-contradictory text as you pretend to quote, form part or parcel of the New covenant — the Christian's special guide. I presume,
Mr. Chairman, the reason for its not having been brought forward at an earlier stage of the Discussion, arose from the general conviction among our Trinitarian friends, that the passage is spurious — an interpolation, abominable falsification of the Scriptures, not to be found in any accredited Manuscript; a gross imposition on the credulity of mankind! and I trust Mr. Suckling may be the only religious Instructor present, who attaches any importance to the heterogeneous and foolish words."
The Creative Christ - a Study of the Incarnation in terms of Modern Thought by Edward Drown 1922
The Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ from Pascal 1898
Bible Doctrine: A Treatise on the Great Doctrines of the Bible, Pertaining by Daniel Kauffman 1914
The Corruptions of the New Testament by Horace Lorenzo Hastings 1884
The Divinity of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ Demonstratively Proved by MD Talbot 1843
The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Eight Lectures by Henry Liddon 1884
The Christ, the Evidence of His Divinity Reviewed from the Standpoint of a Lawyer by Thomas Jerome 1917
Christ the Divine Man, or Deity Veiled by Edward Heaton 1880
History of the Dogma of the Deity of Jesus Christ by Albert Réville 1905
Our Lord, Belief in the Deity of Christ 1908 by E.F. Karl Muller
Studies in John's Gospel - the Gospel of Christ's Deity by David Gregg 1891
A Vindication of the Doctrine of Scripture Concerning the Deity of Christ by John Jamieson 1794 Volume 2
The Mormon Doctrine of Deity by Brigham Henry Roberts
Is Jesus God? by B.B. Warfield 1912
The Deity of Jesus Christ Essential to the Christian Religion by Jacques Abbadie 1777
Letters on the Trinity and on the Divinity of Christ by Moses Stuart 1834
The Suffering-Man-God or The divinity of Jesus Christ resplendent in His sufferings by Father Seraphin 1905
A Series of Sermons on the Divinity of Christ by Thomas Robbins 1820
The Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Asserted and Proved by Sinclare Kelburn 1795
Twelve Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles to which is added a new edition of Five Lectures on the Gospel of St. John as bearing testimony to the Divinity of Jesus Christ 1828
Contributions to Christology by Emmanuel Bonavia 1869
Some Thoughts on Christology by James Drummond 1902
The Christology of Jesus by James Stalker 1899
Christology of the Old Testament by Ernst Wilhelm Hegstenberg Volume 1 1836
Christology of the Old Testament by Ernst Wilhelm Hegstenberg Volume 2 1836
Christology of the Old Testament by Ernst Wilhelm Hegstenberg Volume 3 1836
Christology, a dogmatic treatise on the Incarnation by Rev. Joseph Pohle 1913
The Incarnation - a study of Philippians 2:5-11 by EH Gifford and Henry Wace 1911
The Christology in the Apostolic Fathers by Alonzo Stark 1912
The Pre-existence of Jesus Christ as declared in the Old and New Testament by Joseph Alderson 1832
Does Hellenism Contribute Constituent Elements to Paul's Christology by John Bailey 1905
Outline of New Testament Christology, a Study of Genetic Relationships within the Christology of the New Testament Period by John Granbery 1909
The Christology of St. Paul by S. Nowell Rostron 1912
A Critical History of the Evolution of Trinitarianism, and its Outcome in the New Christology by Levi Paine 1900
Christology and Personality by William Sanday 1911
The True Divinity of Jesus Christ by John Barnard 1761
A Seal upon the Lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians who refuse to acknowledge the sole, Supreme, and Exclusive Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Robert Hindmarsh 1815
Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley upon the Historical Question of the belief of the first ages in Our Lord's Divinity by Samuel Horsley 1789
The Soteriology of the New Testament by William Dubose 1892
The Divinity of the Son of God Defended by John Claggett 1719
Jesus Christ, the Word Incarnate - Considerations from St Thomas Aquinas 1904
God as Triune, Creator, Incarnate, Atoner by William Gairdner 1916
The Doctrine of the Incarnation by Robert L. Ottley 1896
The Philosophy of the Incarnation by Bishop Garrett 1891
The Philosophy of the Fourth Gospel, a Study of the Logos-doctrine by JS Johnston 1909
St. Athanasius on the Incarnation 1891
Dissertations on Subjects Connected with the Incarnation by Charles Gore 1907
On the Incarnation of the Eternal Word by Marcus Dods 1831
Emmanuel or The incarnation of the Son of God the foundation of Immutable Truth Michael Ferrebee Sadler 1879
Lux Mundi: A Series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation by Charles Gore 1890
The Christian View of God and the World as Centring in the Incarnation by James Orr 1893
The One Christ - an Enquiry into the manner of the Incarnation by Frank Weston 1907
The Incarnation of the Lord by Charles Briggs 1902
The Epistle to the Hebrews: The Greek Texts with Notes and Essays by B.F. Westcott 1892
Great discussion of the LOGOS and prefers the translation "God is thy throne" at Hebrews 1:8. p.24
Who was Jesus by Redford Watkinson 1867
Moses and Christ: The plan of the World's Salvation illustrated by Bible Allegories 1888 by John H Paton
Jesus as Abaddon by Heinz Schmitz
A Reply to Dr Ralph Wilson - Jesus as the Archangel Michael by Heinz Schmitz
The Angel of the Lord: Manifestations of Christ in the Old Testament by William Pakenham Walsh 1876
Arius Slain and Socinus mortally wounded: by scripturally proving a plurality of persons in the Godhead, that Jesus Christ has all the divine names applied to him, and that he is essentially Christ, the wisdom and the power of the Godhead 1792 by Captain Tomlin
Arius the Libyan; a romance of the primitive church by Nathan Chapman Kouns 1914
The Arian movement in England (1913) by James Hay Colligan
The True Scripture doctrine of the holy and ever-blessed Trinity, stated and defended, in opposition to the Arian scheme 1727 by Abraham Taylor
An Impartial View of the Principal Difficulties that affect the Trinitarian, or clog the Arian, scheme, 1721, by Joseph Pyke
A Treatise proving the proper Divinity of Christ: in which the doctrine of the Scriptures, touching that grand Article of faith, is impartially considered; the chief objections against it answered; and the principal texts of the Scripture urged by the Arian and Socinian, are examined; first delivered in five sermons by Aaron Pitt 1719
Select treatises of Saint Athanasius in controversy with the Arians 1900 Volume 1
Select treatises of Saint Athanasius in controversy with the Arians 1842 Volume 2
Select treatises of Saint Athanasius in controversy with the Arians 1842 Volume 8
Select treatises of Saint Athanasius in controversy with the Arians 1842 Volume 19
The Divinity of the Son of God defended, or a solution of Mr. Chubb's sophisms, and a detection of the blasphemies and absurdities contained in his observations on a book entituled, Arianism anatomized: with a full and clear refutation of all the arguments contained in the same observations, and in his supremacy asserted by John Claggett 1719
The Socinian Controversy Discuss'd : wherein the chief of the Socinian tracts (publish'd of late years here) are consider'd by Leslie Charles 1708
Discourses on the principal points of the Socinian controversy by Ralph Wardlaw 1815
Some account of the Council of Nicea, in connexion with the life of Athanasius by John Kaye 1853
Is God a trinity? by the Rev. John Miller 1922
The Nicene Creed by A. E. Burn 1909
A Short Explanation of the Nicene Creed, for the use of Persons Beginning the Study of Theology by A.P. Forbes 1852
The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds: their Literary History: together with an account of the growth and reception of the sermon on the faith, commonly called "The Creed of St. Athanasius" by C.A. Swainson 1875
Faith in the Holy Trinity, the Doctrine of the Gospel, and Sabellian Unitarianism shewn to be "The God-denying Apostacy": in a connected series of letters By William Hales 1818
The Catholic Doctrine of a Trinity
by William Jones 1838
The Scripture-doctrine of the Trinity: In Three Parts by Samuel Clarke 1712
The importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted, inreply to some late pamphlets by Daniel Waterland 1800
The Ethnic Trinities and Their Relations to the Christian Trinity by Levi Leonard Paine 1901
A Scriptural Defence of the Doctrine of the Trinity: Or a Check to Modern Arianism by Hiram Mattison 1848
Visual Representations of the Trinity: An Historical Survey by John Brainerd MacHarg 1917
An Essay on the Doctrine of the Trinity: Attempting to Prove it by Reason by James Kidd 1815 (first 570 pages)
The Divine Trinity: A Dogmatic Treatise by Joseph Pohle, Arthur Preuss 1911
An Unpublished Essay of Edwards on the Trinity by Jonathan Edwards, George Park Fisher 1903
Questions Awakened by the Bible: Are Souls Immortal? Was Christ in Adam" Is God a Trinity? by John Miller 1877
The Scriptural Doctrine of the Trinity by M W Alford 1842
The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity Vindicated: In Opposition to Mr. Watts by Abraham Taylor 1728
The Trinity and the Incarnation by Richard Acland Armstrong 1904
Biblical Trinity by Theophilus 1850
Trinitarian Sermons Preached to a Unitarian Congregation by William Leonard Gage 1859
A New Plea for the Authenticity of the Text of the Three Heavenly Witnesses
by Charles Forster, Richard Porson 1867
A Defense of the Nicene creed by George Bull, Edward Burton 1852 (Volume 2)
The most holy Trinity by Ebenezer Soper 1853
Critical Essays by Ezra Abbot
Concessions of Trinitarians being a Selection of Extracts from the Writings of the Most Eminent Biblical Critics and Commentators, by John Wilson, (1842)
Statement of Reasons for Not Believing the Doctrines of Trinitarians concerning the Nature of God and the Person of Christ (1886) by Andrews Norton (1786-1853).
God the Invisible King by H.G. Wells (Anti-Trinity) in .txt format
AN APPEAL TO PIOUS TRINITARIANS BY HENRY GREW (1857) in .txt format (works well in wordpad and most text editors)
Seven Conversations on the Trinity (between a Jehovah's Witness minister and a Trinitarian Christian (searchable pdf format)
The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity by Benjamin B. Warfield (in .txt format, works well in Wordpad)
Studies of Arianism by Henry Melville Gwatkin MA, 1900, 170 page book in djvu format
The following books have different interpretations of John 1:1:
A Calm Inquiry Into the Scripture Doctrine Concerning the Person of Christ
by Thomas Belsham - 1817 - 337 pages
Newcome's corrected New Testament 1808
Johannes Greber New Testament
Hermann Heinfetter's New Testament
"In commencing this dispensation, the commans was existing, yet the command was with the God, as the command had relation to a God.
A Critical History of the Evolution of Trinitarianism: And Its Outcome in the New Christology
by Levi Leonard Paine- 1900 - 380 pages
Unitarianism the Doctrine of the Gospel: A View of the Scriptural Grounds of ...
by Lant Carpenter
Antitrinitarian Biography: Or, Sketches of the Lives and Writings of ...
by Robert Wallace - Unitarian Universalist churches - 1850
St. Matthew's gospel, with the parallel passages in the other evangelists ... - Page 331
edited by James Stark - 1878
The correct translation is: ' In a beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH
THE GOD, and the Word WAS A GOD ; he was in a beginning WITH THE GOD. ...
The Four Gospels Translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations
by George Campbell - 1837
Others maintain that QEOS here should be translated "a God was the word.'
The Freewill Baptist Quarterly - 1866
We open to John 1: 1—5, and copy the word for word translation:—"In a beginning
was the word, and the word was with the God, and a God was the word. ...
What is the Truth about Jesus Christ?: Problems of Christology
by Friedrich Loofs - 1913 - 235 pages
Discourses on the Principal Points of the Socinian Controversy
by Ralph Wardlaw - 1828 - 550 pages
One God in One Person Only: And Jesus Christ a Being Distinct from God
by John Sherman - 1805 - 190 pages
Unitarianism Defined: The Scripture Doctrine of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
by Frederick Augustus Farley 1860 - 260 pages
A Discourse on Denying the Lord Jesus.
by Bernard Whitman - 1827
In fact, there can be but one Archangel, that is, one head messenger, and who
dare to say that Jesus Christ is not the head messenger ? ...
The Testament of Jesus
by Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy - 1901 - 140 pages
16 John answered them, saying, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
a God, and the Word was the sacred Spirit of God. ...
The English Works of Raja Rammohun Roy: With an English Translation of ... - Page 831
by Rammohun Roy- 1906 - 978 pages
1, " the word was a God" ? We may, however, easily account for this inconsistency.
The term " God " in, Exodus is applied to Moses, the notion of whose ...
The Following Books are about Unitarianism:
The Unitarian (periodical) 1834
Old and New Unitarian Belief by John White Chadwick, 1894 - 246 pages
Unitarian Principles Confirmed by Trinitarian Testimonies
by Octavius Brooks Frothingham, John Wilson - 1880 - 588 pages
The Unitarian Review
edited by Charles Lowe, Henry Wilder Foote, John Hopkins Morison, Henry H. Barber, James De Normandie, Joseph Henry Allen - 1875
Unitarian Thought by Ephraim Emerton - 1911 - 309 pages
The Unitarian Miscellany and Christian Monitor
by Jared Sparks, Francis William Pitt Greenwood - Unitarianism - 1824
The Unitarian Review and Religious Magazine by Charles Lowe, Henry Wilder Foote, John Hopkins Morison, Henry H. Barber, James De Normandie - 1874
Ezra Stiles Gannett, Unitarian Minister in Boston, 1824-1871: A Memoir by William Channing Gannett - 1893 - 564 pages
The Unitarian: A Monthly Magazine of Liberal Christianity
edited by Jabez Thomas Sunderland, Brooke Herford, Frederick B. Mott - 1897
American Unitarianism, Or, A Brief History of the Progress and Present State of the Unitarian Church
by Thomas Belsham, James Freeman, William Wells - 1816
Our Unitarian Gospel by Minot Judson Savage - 1898 - 282 pages
Tracts of the American Unitarian Association
by American Unitarian Association - 1834
A collection of essays by different authors from the Tracts of the American Unitarian Association, 11th series and miscellaneous series (1827- )
An Historical Sketch of the Unitarian Movement Since the Reformation
by Joseph Henry Allen - 1894 - 242 pages
Manual of Unitarian Belief by James Freeman Clarke, Kate Gannett Wells - Unitarianism - 1906 - 64 pages
Manual of Unitarian Belief
by James Freeman Clarke, Kate Gannett Wells - Unitarianism - 1906 - 64 pages
Early Sources of English Unitarian Christianity
by Gaston Bonet-Maury, Edward Potter Hall - 1884 - 291 pages
Unitarian Affirmations: Seven Discourses Given in Washington, D.C.
by Frederic Henry Hedge - 1879 - 175 pages
Popular Objections to Unitarian Christianity Considered and Answered
by George Washington Burnap - 1848 - 166 pages
The Year-book of the Unitarian Congregational Churches by American Unitarian Association - 1892
An History of Early Opinions Concerning Jesus Christ: Compiled from Original Writers proving that the Christian Church was at first Unitarian
by Joseph Priestley - 1786
American Unitarian Biography: Memoirs of Individuals who Have Been In the Cause of Liberal Christianity
edited by William Ware - 1851
The Unitarian Advocate - 1828
Liberal Religious Thought at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
by William Copeland Bowie - 1901 - 354 pages
Hymns for Church and Home: And Unitarian Service Book - 1903 - 426 pages
Authentic Report of the Discussion on the Unitarian Controversy
by John Scott Porter, Daniel Bagot - 1834 - 203 pages
Remarks on the Unitarian Belief: With a Letter to a Unitarian Friend on the Lord's Supper
by Nehemiah Adams - 1832 - 175 pages
Reviews of On the formation of Christian character and 0utline of Scripture testimony against the Trinity by Henry Ware
An Inquiry Into the Comparative Moral Tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines
by Jared Sparks - 1823 - 418 pages
The Unitarian Advocate and Religious Miscellany - 1831
A Century of Village Unitarianism: Being a History of the Reformed Christian Unitarian Church of Trenton NJ
by Charles Graves - 1904 - 194 pages
A Half-century of the Unitarian Controversy by George Edward Ellis - 1857 - 511 pages
The New Discussion of the Trinity by Frederic Dan Huntington, Thomas Starr King, Orville Dewey, American Unitarian Association - 1860 - 244 pages
Antitrinitarian Biography: Or, Sketches of the Lives and Writings of Distinguished AntiTrinitarians. by Robert Wallace 1850
Views of Sabellius, article in The Biblical Repository and Classical Review 1835
An Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age by Edward Burton 1829
Primitive Trinitarianism by Elijah Bailey 1826 (poor quality)
A Manual of Christian doctrine by John S Banks 1897
Principles of Sabellianism, article in The Unitarian Advocate and Religious Miscellany 1830
The Two Natures and Recent Christological Speculation, article in The American Journal of Theology 1910
The Person of Christ According to the Older Theologians of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, article in The Mercersburg Review 1849
The True Believers Defence Against Charges Preferred by Trinitarians for not Believing in the Trinity by Charles Morgridge 1837
A Defence of Modern Calvinism by Edward Williams 1812
The Personality of Christ by Father Anscar Vonier 1916
A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, Volume 1 by John Milton 1825
A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, Volume 2 by John Milton 1825
Testimonies of the Fathers of the First Four Centuries by Henry Cary 1835
The Philosophy of the Supernatural, article in The American Catholic Quarterly Review 1876
A Critical Dissertation on the Athanasian Creed by GBW Ommanney 1897
The Nature of God - a series of lectures by John Hall 1910
An Inquiry into the Doctrine of the Eternal Sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ by Richard Treffry 1837
The Kenosis or Humiliation of Christ, by Henry C Vedder, article in the Baptist Review 1880
A Defence of the Nicene Creed out of the extant writings of the Catholick Doctors who Flourishsed during the 3 First Centuries of the Christian Church by John Bull 1851 Volume 1
A Defence of the Nicene Creed out of the extant writings of the Catholick Doctors who Flourishsed during the 3 First Centuries of the Christian Church by John Bull 1851 Volume 2
The Humiliation of Christ in its Physical, Ethical and Official Aspects by Alexander Bruce 1899
The Angel-Messiah of Buddhists, Essenes, and Christians by Ernst Bunsen 1880
Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity by BB Warfield 1909
Christian Doctrine Harmonized and its Rationality Vindicated, Volume 1, by John Kedney 1889
Christian Doctrine Harmonized and its Rationality Vindicated, Volume 2, by John Kedney 1889
Studies in Christian Doctrine by James Drummond 1908
Origin and Development of Nicene Theology, by Hugh M Scott 1896
The Scripture Doctrine of Angels, article in The Popular Science monthly 1877
Creeds or no creeds? (has a section on Christology) by Charles Harris 1922
Theology as an empirical science by D Macintosh 1919
The Incarnation, article in the Bibliotheca Sacra 1870
The Influence of Greek Ideas and usages upon the Christian church by Edwin Hatch 1914
The Christian Platonists of Alexandria by Charles Biggs 1886
Different New Testament views of Jesus by Joseph Henry Crooker 1891
The Christology of Paul, article in The Monist 1903
The Gospel and its Earliest Interpretations by Orello Cone 1896
Jesus brought back - Meditations on the problems by Joseph Henry Crooker 1889
The LOGOS of Philo and that of ST. John, article in The Methodist Quarterly Review 1858
The Fundamentals- a Testimony to the Truth 1910
The Johannine Theology by G Barker Stevens 1894
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel - the Text Revised with a Critical Introduction and Indices 1896 Volume 1
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel - the Text Revised with a Critical Introduction and Indices 1896 Volume 2
A History of the Development of the Doctrine of the Person of the Christ, Volume 1, by DR JA Dorner 1872
A History of the Development of the Doctrine of the Person of the Christ, Volume 2, by DR JA Dorner 1872
A History of the Development of the Doctrine of the Person of the Christ, Volume 3, by DR JA Dorner 1872
The Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews by HL MacNeil 1914
The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - a Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels, Volume 1 by JP Lange 1872
The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - a Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels, Volume 2 by JP Lange 1872
The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - a Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels, Volume 3 by JP Lange 1872
The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - a Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels, Volume 4 by JP Lange 1872
Christian Dogmatics and Notes on the History of Dogma by Conrad Lindberg 1922
The Evolution of the idea of God: an inquiry into the origins of religion By Grant Allen 1897 (discusses the Trinity)
The Ethnic Trinities and their relations to the Christian Trinity by Levi Leonard Paine 1901
The Origin of the doctrine of the Trinity in theb Christian Church, article in The Morning Light 1883
(The attempt to trace the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity to the Jewish Writings is a failure. But when we proceed to the examination of the other probable sources of information upon this subject, viz., the mythology of ancient nations and the Works of Plato and other philosophers, we are rewarded by the discovery of an abundance of evidence. This evidence is thus referred to by Bishop Browne: "In the mythology of all ancient nations, it is plain that the number Three has been a sacred number. The triads of classical mythology {e.g. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades; or, again, Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva in the Capitol) are well known.)
The Nature and Origin of the Pagan Doctrine of the Trinity or Triads. article in the Southern Presbyterian review 1855
The Trinity Idea, article in The Open Court 1895 (lots of pictures of trinities. "The old Christian Trinities (e. g.. Fig. 14) bear a close resemblance to Hindu representations of the Trimurti.")
A history of the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity by Hugh Stannus 1882 ("the fifth century Christianity had conquered Paganism and Paganism had infected Christianity. The Church was now victorious and corrupt. The rites of the Pantheon had passed into her worship")
Catholic Papers Written by Different Persons 1894
The LOGOS - Exegetical terms, article in The Biblical World 1899
The Sonship of Christ as Taught in Romans 1:3, 4, article in The American Biblical Repository 1888
Dogmatic Theology by William Shedd Volume 1 1889
Dogmatic Theology by William Shedd Volume 2 1889
Dogmatic Theology by William Shedd Volume 3 1889
The Gospel in the Book of Joshua 1870
The Creeds of Athanasius, Sabellius, and Swedenborg, Examined and Compared by Augustus Clissold 1873
An Introduction to Dogmatic Theology by RF Weidner 1895
The Christian faith; a System of Dogmatics, Volume 1, by T Haring 1913
The Christian faith; a System of Dogmatics, Volume 2, by T Haring 1913
A Biblical and Theological Dictionary by Samuel Green 1867
New Testament Theology by W Beyschlag 1895
Modern Thoughts in its Relations to the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, article in the American Church Review 1872
The Theology of the New Testament by JJ van Oosterzee 1872
The Theology of the New Testament by George Barker Stevens 1910
The Theology of the New Testament by AB Davidson 1907
The Development of Theology in Germany since Kant by Otto Pfleiderer 1890
Athanasianism, article in The New World 1894
H ARCH THS KTISEWS TOU QEOU...Is Christ a Created Being or the Ruler/Source of Creation! by Heinz Schmitz
The Biblical view of Only True God by Heinz Schmitz
On the use of EGW EIMI at John 8:58 by Heinz Schmitz
"blood of his own Son" or "his own blood?" by Heinz Schmitz
On John 20:28 by Heinz Schmitz
John 1:3, 4, Punctuation, Staircase Parallelism and Caris by Heinz Schmitz
and the Word was LIKE God, by Heinz Schmitz
On Mark 10:18 by Heinz Schmitz
An Examination of Colossians 1:15-20: “Firstborn”; “Other”: What is the correct understanding? by Heinz Schmitz
Jesus: God's Wisdom, by Heinz Schmitz
Criticism on the Theological Idea of Deity - Contrasting the views Entertained of a Supreme Being by the Ancient Greeks with those of the Hebrew Writers by MB Craven 1871
Biblical Notes and Dissertations Chiefly intended to confirm and illustrate the doctrine of the Deity of Christ; with some remarks on the practical importance of that doctrine by Joseph John Gurney 1833
Antitrinitarian Biography - Sketches of the lives and writings of distinguished antitrinitarians, exhibiting a view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship in the principal nations of Europe, from the reformation to the close of the seventeenth century, to which is prefixed a history of Unitarianism in England during the same period, Volume 1 by Robert Wallace 1850
Antitrinitarian Biography - Sketches of the lives and writings of distinguished antitrinitarians, exhibiting a view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship in the principal nations of Europe, from the reformation to the close of the seventeenth century, to which is prefixed a history of Unitarianism in England during the same period, Volume 2 by Robert Wallace 1850
Antitrinitarian Biography - Sketches of the lives and writings of distinguished antitrinitarians, exhibiting a view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship in the principal nations of Europe, from the reformation to the close of the seventeenth century, to which is prefixed a history of Unitarianism in England during the same period, Volume 3 by Robert Wallace 1850
The Christ of God - The Rationale of the Deity of Christ by Charles Mann 1897
Letters on the Trinity and on the divinity of Christ by Moses Stuart 1829
Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ by Edward Burton 1829
One God in One Person Only And Jesus Christ a Being Distinct from God by John Sherman 1805
A Treatise on the Character of Jesus by Ethan Smith - 1814
Napoleon's argument for the divinity of Christ and the Scriptures 1861
The Mustard Tree -an argument on behalf of the divinity of Christ by O.R. Vassall-Phillips 1912
A Manual of the History of Dogmas, Volume 1 by Bernard John Otten - 1922
A Manual of the History of Dogmas, Volume 2 by Bernard John Otten - 1922
Doctrine and Development by Hastings Rashdall 1898
The Normative use of Scripture by Typical Theologians of Protestant Orthodoxy in Great Britain and America by Charles M Sharpe 1912
Essays in Fallacy (The fallacy in theology) by Sir Andrew MacPhail 1910 ("Paul never went so far as to elevate Jesus to an equality with God. The utmost he conceded was that he was higher than the angels. It was left for the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews to force into Christianity the Alexandrine conception that the world was created by the Son of God. That made it easy for the writer of the Fourth Gospel to declare in his prologue, 'In the beginning was the logos, and the logos was with God, and the logos was a god.'"
The Dawn of Christianity By Alfred Wilhelm Martin 1914 ("'In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was a God,' and it 'became flesh' in order that 'God whom no man had seen at any time might be made manifest.' Not only does the Fourth Gospel root itself in a Greek idea, but it also unfolds with all the stateliness, dignity and order of a Greek tragedy."
Apologia by Edwin Abbott 1907 ("Notice how the evangelist — when he has begun his gospel by asserting the eternal pre-existence of the Logos ['In the beginning was the Logos'] — does not go on to say, as a Tritheist might do, 'and the Logos was [a] God.' No, he places first the statement 'The Logos was with God.'")
Unitarianism Philosophically and Theologically Examined, Volume 1 by Anthony Kohlmann 1832
Unitarianism Philosophically and Theologically Examined, Volume 2 by Anthony Kohlmann 1832
Unitarianism the Doctrine of the Gospel, A View of the Scriptural Grounds of Unitarianism with an Examination of all the Expressions in the New Testament which are Generally Considered as Supporting Opposite Doctrines by Lant Carpenter 1823
The Book of Churches and Sects by Thomas Charles Boone 1826 (has a section on John 1:1)
The Reading _Only-Begotten God_, article in the Theological Review 1871
On The Reading _Only-Begotten God_ John 1:18, article in the Modern Review 1883
The Doctrine of the Greek Article by Thomas Middleton 1833
Remarks on the uses of the Definitive Article, Containing Proofs of the Divinity of Christ by Granville Sharp 1803
Tertullian and the Doctrine of the Trinity, article in The Princeton Theological Review 1905
The Life of Jesus Critically Examined, Volume 1 by David Friedrich Strauss - 1892
The Life of Jesus Critically Examined, Volume 2 by David Friedrich Strauss - 1892
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