Friday, October 27, 2017

Alan Goldberg on Mormonism and the Trinity

"Mormonisn teaches the deity of Christ and the Trinity, and freely admits its followers recognize many gods. Trinitarian Christianity denies that it is in any way polytheistic, but is it not the same basic qualitative form of theology." It is not a perversion of Trinitarian theology to draw a parallel to
Mormonism, Yet, it would be impossible to draw this parallel from Judaism or Unitarian Christianity,
neither of which ever recognized component parts of God, nor ever made God a man. It is clear that, except for differences in degree, the same basic principles for the foundation of Trinitarian Christianity and Mormonism. The qualitative similarity is that both teach multiple divine entities. The qualitative difference is that Mormonism admits it."

Every Tree is Known by Its Fruit
A Journal of Radical Reformation Vol. 6, No. 1
Fall 1996

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