Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Deleted Verses in the New World Translation

There is a Catholic website at that details many of the Bible verses deleted from the New World Translation Bible. I wouldn't even bother with this drivel if it wasn't for the fact that I see this page shared a lot.

One of the first passages this website notes as being deleted is Matthew 17:21.

Take note of the image above. Those captions are from three different Catholic Bibles and all of them have "deleted" the same passage that the NWT Bible did.


The oldest manuscripts did not have these verses. The King James Version Bible was released in 1611 and it was based primarily on late manuscripts, not older ones. Older mss were discovered AFTER the release of the KJV Bible. Codex Sinaiticus, one of the four great ancient uncial codices wasn't discovered until the 1840's. The value of the Codex Vaticanus and Alexandrinus was not realized until quite some time after 1611.

There is even a wikipedia entry for the deleted verses at

So it is not that certain verses were deleted, it is just that they were added at a later date.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like old (when the Internet was just starting) sensational ".info" apologetics. It makes anyone who's interested in textual criticism eyes bleed. You actually get dumber just looking at it.

    The NET Bible explains why this verse is not included in its footnote 38:
