Friday, December 20, 2019

The [three-tribe] Division at Numbers 1:52 and the New World Translation

The website at has many criticisms of the New World Translation Bible, but I am only going to concentrate on one Scripture today, and that is the one at Numbers 1:52:

Numbers 1:52 “And the sons of Israel must encamp each with reference to his camp and each man by his [three-tribe] division by their armies.” (NWT)

"The Hebrew phrase ‘al-dighlo, literally means 'besides his banner,' but Jehovah Witnesses regard saluting a flag as idolatry, so the text was altered to remove reference to the presence of a flag or standard."

Reply: Yes, many Bibles do use "standard" or "banner" as a meaning for the Hebrew word DEGEL, but like McClintock and Strong's Cyclopædia says after discussing the Hebrew words used: "Neither of them, however, expresses the idea which 'standard' conveys to our minds, viz. a flag." At Song of Solomon 6:4; 10 a form of DEGEL is used to describe a division of the heavenly armies (constellations), Here, GEORGE ATHAS, Dept of Semitic Studies, University of Sydney says, "This would also fit the context in which DEGEL implies a division of an army. A constellation would certainly make sense if it seen as both something you look up at, and something which is an ordered division of the starry host."

So the Hebrew word used here can also mean "division of an army". And we know that they are divided into 3 tribes by reading Numbers 2:3-8

The Hebrew Bible: A Translation With Commentary by Robert Alter adds that "banner" is "the consensus of post-biblical Hebrew tradition for understanding the term degel" however, "Baruch Levine summons considerable comparative Semitic evidence, seconded by the Aramaic Targums, to argue that degel actually designates a 'sociomilitary unit' (perhaps something like 'regiment'?)."

The Jewish Study Bible: Jewish Publication Society Tanakh Translation By Adele Berlin, Marc Zvi Brettler states on page 287 "The meaning of the Hebrew term 'degel' is uncertain...'degel' may refer to a military unit, a subdivision of the tribe."

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Volume 4, says on page 610: "R. de Vaux has argued that degel signified a division of the army." This he states in his own book (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Instructions By Roland De Vaux): "This word does not mean a standard or ensign, as so many modern dictionaries and translations interpret it, but a division of the army. This is the right meaning in Nb 1:52; 2:2034; 10: 14-25; it is also the sense given by the ancient versions, and it is used with this meaning in the papyri of Elephantine and in the Order of War from Qumram." The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 1 also echoes Roland De Vaux's views. This is why the NRSV Bible translates Numbers 1:52 as "The other Israelites shall camp in their respective regimental camps, by companies."

Neither the New American Bible, nor Brenton's Septuagint mention "banner" or "flag" here. The revised New World Translation does offer "standard" and "banner" as alternate readings.

Once again, the NWT Bible proves to be the shining city on the hill in a swamp full of lesser Bible versions.

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