Monday, October 15, 2018

What They are Saying About the Trinity Doctrine Online

The Trinity is Absurd
Forgive me for stating the obvious, but the Christian doctrine of the trinity is utterly ridiculous. Not only do I find the idea to be unfeasible and nonsensical, but as far as I can tell, it isn’t even necessary for the Christian religion to exist.

Rivers of medieval ink, not to mention blood, have been squandered over the 'mystery' of the Trinity, and in suppressing deviations such as the Arian heresy. Arius of Alexandria, in the fourth century AD, denied that Jesus was consubstantial (i.e. of the same substance or essence) with God. What on earth could that possibly mean, you are probably asking? Substance? What 'substance'? What exactly do you mean by 'essence'? 'Very little' seems the only reasonable reply. Yet the controversy split Christendom down the middle for a century, and the Emperor Constantine ordered that all copies of Arius's book should be burned. Splitting Christendom by splitting hairs - such has ever been the way of theology. ~ Richard Dawkins

There Is No Such Thing as the Trinity
It's a Human Idea That Tries to Control God
By labeling the Trinity (and other aspects of God’s work and identity) we are trying to control God.  God can only work in the predefined, pre-determined Trinitarian ways.   If you control who has access to God, for most of human history, you were the biggest kid on the playground.

The 5 Shocking Truths about the Trinity Your Pastor Does not Tell You
The Trinity is among the most popularly revered and believed doctrines in modern Christianity. In fact, most church leaders would not consider you as a Christian if you don’t believe in the Trinity. As popular this doctrine as it may seem, you need to know the other side of the story. There are dark secrets that lie within at the very heart of this doctrine.

Former SDA Pastor Apologizes for Teaching "the Trinity"


Why do the Jews reject the trinity doctrine? - Rabbi Tovia Singer

Trinity doctrine difficult to explain

How Paul Surprisingly Denied the Trinity Doctrine

Can Genuine Christians Be Trinitarian or Non-Trinitarian?
"I was a Trinitarian for twenty-two years until God enlightened me through scripture that being a Christian has nothing to do with being Trinitarian. Contrary to church dogma, you don’t have to be a Trinitarian to be a Christian."

Shocking Admissions “Facing The Truth Regarding The Doctrine of The Trinity”
Again and again as I am studying the doctrine of the Trinity and in wonderment at its errors, I am amazed at the number of noted Trinitarian scholars who admit in their writings that it is not a doctrine clearly taught in Scripture.

Thomas Jefferson and the Doctrine of the Trinity

Historical Background of the Trinity

The Absurdity of the Trinity
The Trinity Doctrine Is a Hoax

The Holy Trinity as incoherent

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