Sunday, November 4, 2018

Excerpts from James L. Tomanek's 1958 New Testament

This is a version of the New Testament (The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed by James L. Tomanek 1958) I have been looking to buy for years, and recently a friend sent me a copy. Here are some highlights of this fine work:

Matthew 2:2 - "Where is the new born King of the Jews? We saw his star rising and come to do Him homage."

Matthew 5:22 - 0 fool, shall be liable to the fire of the Gehenna.

Matthew 16:18 - And I also say to you that you are a rock, and upon this rock I will build my congregation, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 24:3 - "Tell us when these things shall be, and what is the sign of your presence and the end of the age'!"

Matthew 25:46 - And these shall go away into agelasting cutting-off and the just into agelasting life.

Luke 23:43 - And Jesus said to him, "Indeed today I say to you, you shall be with Me in the paradise."

John 1:1,2 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God. In the beginning This Word was with God. All was done through It, and without It not even one thing was done.

John 1:18 - No one has ever seen God. The Only-Begotten Son, being in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known."

John 10:33 - The Jews answered Him, "We do not stone You concerning good work, but concerning blasphemy, for You, being a Man, make Yourself a God."

Acts 5:32 - And we are his witnesses of these matters, and the Holy Spirit also is, which God gave to those that have submitted to Him."

Acts 20:28 - Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock to which the Holy Spirit placed you overseers, to feed the congregation of the Lord, which He purchased through his own blood.

Romans 9:5  - of whom are the fathers, and from whom is that Anointed according to the flesh? He who is over all; worthy of praise is God into the ages. So be it.

Philippians 2:5 - Let this be desired by you which is also in Jesus Anointed, who being in a form of God, mediated not a usurpation to be like God, but emptied Himself, having taken a form of a slave, having been formed into the likeness of a man. And being formed in a condition of a man, He humbled Himself, having become obedient till death, even a death on a cross.

Colossians 1:15 - Who is a likeness of that unseen God, first-born of every creation, for in Him were created all things, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, the things seen and the things unseen, whether thrones or
lordships or governments or authorities, all things were created on account of Him and for Him; and He is in advance of all, and all things have been placed together in Him.

2 Peter 1:1 - Simon Peter, a bondman and an apostle of Jesus Anointed, to those that have obtained equally precious faith with us by the righteousness of Our God and Our Savior Jesus Anointed

1 comment:

  1. This was Published by Arrowhead Press, Pocatello, ID
